Jan 13
Raid Sportsman's Arms
Report on 2nd Raid Sportsman’s Arms, the highest pub in Wales, 13th January.
The final meeting place for the Raid was at Bala Lake where 34 2CV’s and Dyanes, 1 AK400 and two Euroboxes paddled amongst the gentle waves that were threatening to completely flood the car park. Our Ducks were about to swim so the convoy headed off through the town of Bala for the hour’s journey to the Sportsman’s Arms where we were greeted with gale force winds and horizontal rain.
After lunch, the free raffle was drawn by Annie Wilson, Secretary 2CVGB and the first prize was free admission to the Sweden World Meeting of 2CV Friends. Seventeen prizes later the 2CV Quiz taxed the knowledge of many 2CVers present and was finally won by Will Waldron with 15 correct out of 20.
Prizes were then awarded for the furthest travelled 2CV, Won by Gary Shillabeer who travelled 265 miles from Longport, Somerset. The shortest travelled 2CV, driven by Helen Elliott, 65 miles from Bangor, North Wales. Helen only past her driving test 6 weeks ago. The oldest A series was won by Will Waldron in a Dyane 4 and two year’s running Dyanes have won this prize. Winning the majority vote for The Car’s the Star, was 2CV C991TDF owned by Tony Kehoe from Manchester. This 2CV will shortly be seen on the 2007 2CVGB membership card.
A great convoy and a very enjoyable afternoon was had by all. The 3rd Raid Sportsman’s Arms will be held on Saturday 12 January 2008.
Report and photos: Simon Childs
The final meeting place for the Raid was at Bala Lake where 34 2CV’s and Dyanes, 1 AK400 and two Euroboxes paddled amongst the gentle waves that were threatening to completely flood the car park. Our Ducks were about to swim so the convoy headed off through the town of Bala for the hour’s journey to the Sportsman’s Arms where we were greeted with gale force winds and horizontal rain.
After lunch, the free raffle was drawn by Annie Wilson, Secretary 2CVGB and the first prize was free admission to the Sweden World Meeting of 2CV Friends. Seventeen prizes later the 2CV Quiz taxed the knowledge of many 2CVers present and was finally won by Will Waldron with 15 correct out of 20.
Prizes were then awarded for the furthest travelled 2CV, Won by Gary Shillabeer who travelled 265 miles from Longport, Somerset. The shortest travelled 2CV, driven by Helen Elliott, 65 miles from Bangor, North Wales. Helen only past her driving test 6 weeks ago. The oldest A series was won by Will Waldron in a Dyane 4 and two year’s running Dyanes have won this prize. Winning the majority vote for The Car’s the Star, was 2CV C991TDF owned by Tony Kehoe from Manchester. This 2CV will shortly be seen on the 2007 2CVGB membership card.
A great convoy and a very enjoyable afternoon was had by all. The 3rd Raid Sportsman’s Arms will be held on Saturday 12 January 2008.
Report and photos: Simon Childs