Hi all Laponie, Mosquito or Poronkusema raiders & hangarounds
> Instant Miniraid Syöte
There are crazy plans by a few experienced raiders to make a quick spin to Lapland with a couple of experienced 2cvs, starting in Vaasa Sat 9th Feb and getting back in Vaasa Wed 13th Feb.We intend to rent a log cottage at Syöte for a few nights. If interested, quickly let me know. It might be possible to fly & drive....
> Facebook group
In Facebook, there is now a group called "The Raid Laponie" to discuss our common passion. It's a closed group where you can easily share memories, photos and videos. Any Laponie, Mosquito or Poronkusema raider (or hangaround) can ask to join (you first need to be registered in Facebook).
The group was started by Gert-Jan.
> Next summer
Some superfinns are known to make plans to go to "7e Rassemblement 2CV, Ferme de la Madelonne" in Gouvy, Belgium 3.-5.5.2013
and also to the 20th French national 8.-12.5.2013
and of course to the Worldmeeting in Spain
(but I am not so sure about myself about this so I hope someone will make arrangements for a sf meeting there).
Lots of snow and -20C so life is running smoothly in Finland
Always glad to hear from you...drop a line.
Cheers, Jukka
> Instant Miniraid Syöte
There are crazy plans by a few experienced raiders to make a quick spin to Lapland with a couple of experienced 2cvs, starting in Vaasa Sat 9th Feb and getting back in Vaasa Wed 13th Feb.We intend to rent a log cottage at Syöte for a few nights. If interested, quickly let me know. It might be possible to fly & drive....
> Facebook group
In Facebook, there is now a group called "The Raid Laponie" to discuss our common passion. It's a closed group where you can easily share memories, photos and videos. Any Laponie, Mosquito or Poronkusema raider (or hangaround) can ask to join (you first need to be registered in Facebook).
The group was started by Gert-Jan.
> Next summer
Some superfinns are known to make plans to go to "7e Rassemblement 2CV, Ferme de la Madelonne" in Gouvy, Belgium 3.-5.5.2013
and also to the 20th French national 8.-12.5.2013
and of course to the Worldmeeting in Spain
(but I am not so sure about myself about this so I hope someone will make arrangements for a sf meeting there).
Lots of snow and -20C so life is running smoothly in Finland
Always glad to hear from you...drop a line.
Cheers, Jukka